

2024                [Contract Signed] Scalici, G., Pain, Play and Music: Death and Healing Rites among the Wana, London: Bloomsbury

Articles and Book Chapters

2023                Scalici, G., Morto, semi morto e non morto: quello che tre differenti culture possono insegnare sul rapporto tra uomo e morte, in Toccando l’oltre Lo sguardo e la cura al limite del corpo, Alessia Zielo (Ed.), Padua: Padova University Press: 617-640

2023                [In press] Scalici, G., Building a rumah adat (house of tradition) in 2021: Oral tradition, internet and preservation, in Musiche di tradizione orale nell’era della conversione digitale. Documentare Archiviare Analizzare Restituire. 50 anni del Folkstudio di Palermo, Sergio Bonanzinga (Ed.), Palermo: Edizioni Museo Pasqualino.

2023                Scalici, G., The musical instruments of Wana tradition (Indonesia), in Etnografie sonore | Sound Ethnographies.

2023                [Accepted] Scalici, G., Shaman King: shamanism, ecology and death according to Hiroyuki Takei, in Religion and Senses of Humour, Roberto. J. De La Noval and D. Armstrong (Eds.), Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.

2023                [Accepted] Scalici, G., Smiling pain: coping with illness and death through humour, in Religion and Senses of Humour, Stephen E. Gregg (Ed.), Sheffield: Equinox Publishing

2022                Stizzi, A.; Negrola, E.; Iacona, E.; Naglieri, M.; Scalici, G.; Testoni, I., Reconstructing social relationships in a post-lockdown suburban area through pastoral counseling, in Pastoral Psychology.

2022                Scalici, G, Who framed Tetebua?, in Patterns Of Change In The Traditional Music Of Southeast Asia, Giovanni Giuriati (Ed.), Udine: Nota: 160-185

2020                Testoni, I.; Dorsa, M.; Iancona, E.; Scalici, G., Necronym: The effects of bearing a dead sibling’s name, in Mortality, Vol. 3, pp.1-18

2020                Scalici, G., Marginalized center: Wana people and the geography of power, in Joint special issue of the Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (JISASR) and Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (JBASR) Vol. 21. 114-134

2019                Scalici, G., Music and the invisible world: music as a bridge between different realms, in Approaches, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 150-165.

2017                Scalici, G., Eating together to grieve together: the funeral meal of Wana people of Morowali, in FEAST journal, The Meal, Issue 3.

2013                Scalici, G., The ritual music of Wana people, Central Sulawesi, International Conference for Asia Pacific Arts Studies (ICAPAS), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.19-30.